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Priest holding palms
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
April 2, 2023, Palm Sunday: As the church enters into Holy Week, the faithful endure and relive the passion narrative of Christ.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
March 26, 2023, The Fifth Sunday of Lent: The message of the transfiguration is incomplete on its own without the paschal mystery that is to come.
the pool of siloam in Jerusalem where Jesus healed the blind man
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
March 19, 2023, The Fourth Sunday of Lent: The goal of this Lenten path is restoration between God and his creation. 
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
March 12, 2023, The Third Sunday of Lent: The Samaritan woman, socially marginalized by her impurity according to the Law, becomes a model for all Christians.
Brown prayer beads sitting on top of black book.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
March 5, 2023, The Second Sunday of Lent: The message of the transfiguration is incomplete on its own without the paschal mystery that is to come.
FaithThe Word
Victor Cancino, S.J.
Feb. 26, 2023, The First Sunday of Lent: Lent is a time to hear Jesus clearly speak: “Get away, Satan!”