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Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
Dorothy Day had a very realistic picture of the Catholic Church, the pope said. “To her the church frequently seemed to be on the side of the rich and the property owners, and often unaware of the need for real social justice.”
FaithScripture Reflections
Kerry Weber
A Reflection for the Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by Kerry Weber
OSV News
Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco announced Aug. 21 the archdiocese has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization “to facilitate settlements” with survivors of clergy abuse.
FaithFaith in Focus
Sarah-Marie Chan
Since this synod was announced in 2021, I have worked with the Seattle chancery as a synod volunteer and responded to the call for dialogue by personally talking with 100 people who were baptized and are now non-practicing.
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
“I am writing a second part to Laudato Si’ to update it on current problems,” Pope Francis told the lawyers Aug. 21 during a meeting in the library of the Apostolic Palace.
FaithScripture Reflections
Maurice Timothy Reidy
A Reflection for the Memorial of Saint Pius X, Pope, by Tim Reidy