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Arts & CultureOf Other Things
Olga Segura
I remember the first time I heard Steely Dan’s “Deacon Blues,” a song about winning and losing in life. I was 10 years old, attempting to explain the lyrics to my father. Sitting across from me in the kitchen of our old apartment, his acoustic guitar across his lap, my father respo
Lynn Fulmore at her 8th-grade formal
FaithFaith in Focus
Lynn Fulmore
A mother reflects on her daughter's experience of growing up black and Catholic.
FaithFaith in Focus
Cora Marie Billings
"I am asked how I can remain Catholic when the church I now serve in had ownership of a member of my family." - Cora Marie Billings, R.S.M.
COLOR LINES. This wall, pictured in 2005, was built in the 1940s to enforce residential segregation in Detroit. The wall still stands, even though neighborhoods on both sides are now uniformly African-American.
M. Shawn Copeland
After the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., James H. Cone denounced the lukewarm responses of mainline Protestant and Catholic Christians to the plight of black Americans.
Christopher Pramuk
Sister Thea did not hesitate to challenge and even chide the bishops for their complicity in a “church of paternalism, of a patronizing attitude” toward people of color.
Politics & Society
Jim McDermott
Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education (May 1954), racial tensions in Alabama heightened considerably. When in February 1956 Autherine Lucy, a black student, began attending class at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, white students and community membe