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FaithFaith and Reason
John W. Padberg
Peter Faber may best have exemplified what a missionary to the church of the Reformation era needed.
FaithFaith and Reason
Thomas Stransky
On this day in 1965, the Vatican II’s “Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions,” also known as “Nostra Aetate,” was promulgated by the council—despite surprises, shocks and setbacks along the way.
FaithFaith and Reason
Thomas R. Kopfensteiner
In his textbook of moral theology, Henry Davis, an English Jesuit theologian, wrote that of all the principles of moral theology, the principle of material cooperation is the most difficult to apply. The principle is used to analyze the contribution one makes or the assistance one gives to the wrong
FaithFaith and Reason
Kevin O'Brien
“Students who understood very little of his lectures told me that they attended because they ‘felt better’ about themselves in his presence. ‘This is a professor to whom I can confess,’ one said.”
FaithFaith and Reason
Christopher J. Ruddy
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has suffered cardiac arrest in recent decades.
Some Basics About Celibacy
FaithFaith and Reason
John W. O’Malley
Why and how did the celibate state became a requirement for ordination?